Installation of Officers 2021

The August 5, 2021 meeting was a special event which included the installation of officers for the 2021-2022 Guild year. We were so glad to be back together after the long year and a half of isolation that the Sew 'n' Sews friendship group decided to make the installation special for the new Executive Board. Each member of the friendship group made a small quilt to represent the office being assumed by the new Executive Board member. We planned a small ceremony to present the small quilt and charge the new Executive Board to faithfully execute the duties of her new position. I think we succeeded!

Installation of Officers 2021

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Carol Carpenter and some of the other group members, Diana Rash, Ann Harris, Sandy Scott and Ardis Duhachek.

Diana Rash reading and presenting to Linda Rosensteel and Barbara Erickson, Membership Co-Chairs.

Ann Harris reading and presenting to Penny Bottomly, Ways and Means Chair.

Sandy Scott reading the assignment for Collette Ford, Non-Profit Compliance Officer, who was unable to attend.

Sandy Scott reading and presenting for Denise Cohen (unable to attend) to Barb Anderson, Treasurer.

Ardis Duhachek reading and presenting to Tricia Voight, Secretary.

Ann Turley reading and presenting to Karen Johnston, 2nd Vice President, Programs.

Ann Harris reading and presenting to Ann Turley, 1st Vice President, Programs.

Carol Carpenter reading and presenting to Frannie Marr, President.

Ann Turley reading and presenting to Mara Woods for her leadership in bringing the Guild back to life from our 18+ months of separation.