
Fallbrook Quilt Guild meetings are held the first Thursday of every month (except January) at the Fallbrook Community Center, 341 Heald Lane, Fallbrook, California. Guests are welcome at any of our meetings.

google maps

The meetings from April through September are night meetings: the doors open at 5:30 p.m. and the meeting starts at 6:00 p.m. The meetings from October through March are in the afternoon; the doors open at 12:30 p.m. and the meeting starts at 1:00 p.m.. Please note the change in time; we have split the year into the two time periods to accommodate those who work (evenings) and those who prefer meeting during the day.

There are opportunities to purchase drawing tickets or pick up a quilts of love package, or sign up for a workshop. Members are responsible for bringing a door prize in their birthday month. Door prizes should be quilting or sewing related items. The program follows the break.

Listed below is the meeting schedule.

Meetings in 2024/2025

Meeting Date Speaker/Program Information
July 11, 2024 "Honoring Our Veterans" at Fallbrook Community Health & Wellness Center at 1:00 p.m. We will be honoring 15 veterans (families are invited), we will have refreshments, each veteran will be presented with a quilt. Please wear patriotic attire to this meeting.
August 1, 2024 Tina Curran: My Excellent Adventure as a Quilter
September 5, 2024 Bags, bags, and more bags (of all ages). Canine Companions
October 3, 2024 Karen Brow-Meier: The S-M-U-G-G-L-E Principles
November 7, 2024 Linda and Carl Sullivan: Colourwerx Trunk Show
December 5, 2024 Holiday Meeting. Please bring items for show and tell. Come enjoy and share in the fellowship. Bring a dish to share that will serve 5-6 people (and a serving utensil).
January 2, 2025 DARK
February 6, 2025 Kristie Naranjo: Scrappy Appliqué from Shannon Brinkley
March 6, 2025 Member Led demos
April 3, 2025 Ann Turley: Cereal Quilter
May 1, 2025 Shelley Swanland: Trunk Show
June 5, 2025 Installation of Officers. Start time is 5:30 PM. The program will include the installation of the new 2025-2026 officers. Please bring items for show and tell. Come enjoy and share in the fellowship. Bring a dish to share that will serve 6-8 people (and a serving utensil).
July 10, 2025 TBD
August 7, 2025 TBD
September 4, 2025 TBD
October 2, 2025 TBD
November 6, 2025 DARK: Set up for Quilt Show
December 4, 2025 Holiday Meeting. Please bring items for show and tell. Come enjoy and share in the fellowship. Bring a dish to share that will serve 5-6 people (and a serving utensil).

Meetings in 2023/2024

Meeting Date Speaker/Program Information
January 4, 2024 Dark
February 1, 2024 New challenge introduced.
March 7, 2024 Jean Impey: An Insider's Look Into The Textile industry
April 4, 2024 Barn Quilts with Chris Brewer.
May 2, 2024 Anne Sonner: Vintage Through Modern
June 6, 2024 Installation of Officers. Start time is 5:30 PM. The program will include the installation of the new 2024-2025 officers. Please bring items for show and tell. Come enjoy and share in the fellowship. Bring a dish to share that will serve 6-8 people (and a serving utensil).

Meetings in 2022/2023

Meeting Date Speaker/Program Information
February 2, 2023 Shirley McGuire: Wool Appliqué and Beyond
March 2, 2023 Cindy Myers: Coloring my Quilt World
April 6, 2023 Member-Led Program: Quick, Quick Tips
May 4, 2023 Claudia Dallas Gomez: COLORstory
July 6, 2023 Julie Compton: Molas
August 3, 2023 An Unseamly Occurence, an Interactive Event. Challenge reveal
September 7, 2023 Jeff Warner: The Shape of Bargello
October 5, 2023 Focus on Friendship Groups
November 2, 2023 No meeting: set-up for quilt show

Meetings in 2021/2022

Meeting Date Speaker/Program Information
May 5, 2022 Member Program: Tell Me A Story. The opportunity to hear the story behind some of our members' fabulous quilts.
April 7, 2022 Member Led Program: Tips, Tricks, Tools and Techniques.
March 3, 2022 Peggy Martin: Enjoying The Journey
February 3, 2022 Wendy Mathson: Designing With Storm At Sea And Snail's Trail Blocks
November 4, 2021 Mini Quilt Show/Showcase
October 7, 2021 Guild member-led mini workshops: Hawaiian quilting by Tricia Voight;
paper piecing by Mara Woods; quick and easy half-square triangles by Penny Bottomly;
hexagons an easy method by Ann Turley; machine embroidery by Barb Anderson.
September 2, 2021 Trudy Cleveland: Update Your Quilt Toolbox
August 5, 2021 Allyson Allen: "51 Fun Ways To Use Fabric Yo-Yos"
July 8, 2021 Patricia Belyea of Okan Quilts: "The Alluring World Of Japanese Yukata Quilts"

Meetings in 2020/2021

Meeting Date Speaker/Program Information
May 22 and 23, 2021 Global Quilt Connection's Virtual Sampler. The meeting was held via Zoom.
April 1, 2021 Michele Crawford: Just Cut The Scrap. The meeting was held via Zoom.
March 4, 2021 Elizabeth Eastman: An Abecedary of Quilts. The meeting was held via Zoom.
February 4, 2021 Anne Sonner: Family History Quilts. The meeting was held via Zoom.
January 7, 2021 Lauretta Crites: 'Tis The Season. The meeting was held via Zoom.
December 3, 2020 Member-Led Trunk Show. The meeting was held via Zoom.
November 5, 2020 Leni Bosman: Rescue Quilts. The meeting was held via Zoom.

Meetings in 2019/2020

Meeting Date Speaker/Program Information
May 7, 2020 Wendy Mathson: Trunk Show  Canceled due to Coronavirus restrictions
April 2, 2020 Susie Shkolnik: Batiks, the History/Mystery Revealed  Canceled due to Coronavirus restrictions.
March 5, 2020 Linda Wright: Trunk Show
February 6, 2020 Sue Bouchard: Trunk Show
January 9, 2020 Silk Fabric Challenge and University
November 7, 2019 No Meeting: set-up for the quilt show
October 3, 2019 Debbie Gordon: Beyond the 1/4"
September 5, 2019 Pam Hadfield: Trunk Show
August 1, 2019 Lyn Mann: Head for the Borders
A lecture devoted to borders and all you ever wanted to know about them. Lyn will show many quilts with pieced borders and explain how she chose and constructed them.
July 11, 2019 Lyn Brown: Precut Paradise

Meetings in 2018/2019

Meeting Date Speaker/Program Information
May 2, 2019 Sandy Corbin: Making Scrappy Quilts Fresh
Sandy has always loved using lots of different fabrics in her quilts.
April 4, 2019 Judy Ortega: Improving your Posture While Sewing
Judy gives us hints on how to avoid sore shoulders, neck or back and other problems and improve our posture while sewing.
March 7, 2019 Shannon Brinkley: Scrappy Appliqué
Shannon will share how she began quilting, and what led her to develop her techniques and write Scrappy Bits Appliqué.
February 7, 2019 Marti Michell: Short Cuts, Top Tips & Secrets
This is a lively lecture-demo filled with information about a lot of different subjects and liberally illustrated with quilts.
January 10, 2019 Guild Members Expanded Show and Tell
Members share favorite quilts and tools with us! Let's spend a relaxing evening admiring the creativity of our fellow guild members.
November 1, 2018 Heidi Stagno: Hints for Successfully Quilting Your Quilt
Heidi shares the elements she considers when deciding on how best to enhance the quilt top through the quilting.
October 4, 2018 Tina Curran: My Design Process -- From Concept to Quilt
Tina shares her design process, step by step, highlighting the inspirations and obstacles that pop up along the way.
September 13, 2018 Nancy Ota: My Quilting Journey
A trunk show that takes you through her long quilting journey of many styles.
August 2, 2018 Mel Beach: Challenge Yourself
Mel recounts her adventures (including a few misadventures) while participating in Quilt Challenges at both the local and national/international level.
July 12, 2018 Member Demonstrations: Quilt University
Fellow guild members will share their tips and tricks with you.

Meetings in 2017/2018

Meeting Date Speaker/Program Information
May 3, 2018 Becky McDaniel: My Appliqué Journey
April 5, 2018 Shelley Swanland: Cathedral Windows and Beyond
The trunk show is a collection of approx. forty quilts from the last eight years.
March 1, 2018 Leah Zieber: History Repeated
Watch America's quilt traditions unfold before your eyes as we travel back through 130 years of quilting history.
February 8, 2018 Edyta Sitar: Reasons for Quilting
Edyta will be your guide on a walk through historical, political, and personal events that have inspired generations of quilters.
January 4, 2018 Grace Errea: The Value of VALUE
Color gets the credit but VALUE is what always makes a successful textile piece.
October 5, 2017 Terry Waldron: The Art of Doing It All
A trunk show of Terry's work beginning with some of the first quilts she ever made and extends all the way to the latest work.
September 7, 2017 Rita Verroca: Travel through Quilt History
Insight into different time periods of American quilt making, from its humble beginnings as utilitarian necessity to it's glorious statement of a Baltimore Album Quilt.
August 3, 2017 Karen Cunagin: The Modern Quilt Movement -- Nothing New Under the Sun
July 6, 2017 Jan Krentz: Great Star Review and trunk show.
Historic look at the traditional 8-point star designs, ranging from Lone Stars, Hunter Stars, and the new Diamond Quilts.

Meetings in 2016/2017

Meeting Date Speaker/Program Information
May 4, 2017 Stephania Bommarito: Trunk Show
She delights in sharing techniques and embellishments of all kinds.
April 6, 2017 Ann Turley: The Menagerie
The Menagerie contains multiple giraffes, a dog or two and a large flock of birds.
March 2, 2017 Nancy Rink: Quilts in History: Mill Girls and El Camino Real
Her lecture will reveal her journey in exploring the history and creation of quilt patterns for two important periods in American history.
February 2, 2017 Jenny Lyon: Quilting is a Contact Sport
"Quilting is a Contact Sport!" is a digital presentation and a robust trunk show that combines to weave a story of how this quilting thing that we do really is a "contact sport".
January 5, 2017 Julie Herman: The Big Finish.
Learn all the tips and tricks to finish your quilts with precision and expertise. Includes focus on binding, labels and personalization options.
November 3, 2016 Lyn Mann: Confessions of a "skewed" up quilter!
This is a trunk show devoted to the concept of "skewing".
October 6, 2016 Thom Atkins: Trunk Show: My Quilts Start To Finish
Thom has been fascinated with beads for over 30 years. He bead embellishes quilts where the beads are embedded in the surface of the quilt and their application does the quilting.
September 8, 2016 Joy-Lily: How to be a Carefree Quilter
Let's thumb our thimbles at the Quilt Police while we break rules, clash colors and get a little loose with familiar quilt designs.
August 4, 2016 Member Demonstrations: Quilt University
July 7, 2016 Guild Members: Patriotic Quilt Trunk Show

Meetings in 2015/2016

Meeting Date Speaker/Program Information
May 5, 2016 Claudia Gomez: Motion is Lotion
April 7, 2016 Irene Althaus: Chicken Linens
March 3, 2016 Sharon Schamber: Trunk Show
February 4, 2016 Jill Rixman: The Evolution of a Pattern Design
January 7, 2016 Members: Trunk Show & Mixer
October 1, 2015 Jean Impey: Finding Your Passion & Running with It!
September 3, 2015 Deb Raver: Trunk Show
August 6, 2015 Juli Shulem: Conquer Your Quilt Room
July 9, 2015 Shirley McGuire: How to do Wool Applique and Not Go Broke: Two Cheap Chicks' Wool Applique Journey

Meetings in 2014/2015

Meeting Date Speaker/Program Information
May 7, 2015 Cindy Myers, a Judy Niemeyer Certified Teacher: Trunk Show
April 2, 2015 Karen Brow: The Science of Exceptional Quilts
March 5, 2015 Linda Pohlenz & Joanne Sundahl: Quilter's Journey
February 5, 2015 Alissa H.Carlton: A Modern Quilt Trunk Show
January 8, 2015 Jeananne Wright: Uncommon Quilts From Common Threads
November 6, 2014 Sylvia Q. Davis: A Quirky Quilter's Alphabet
October 2, 2014 Katsy Chappell: My Life With Pieces
September 4, 2014 Member-led School House: There will be four stations with four demonstrations.
August 3, 2014 Peggy Martin: Adventure in Color
July 10, 2014 Desiree Habicht: Reinventing the Wheel

Meetings in 2013/2014

Meeting Date Speaker/Program Information
May 1, 2014 Sally Schneider, Confessions of a Scrap Maniac.
Unfortunately, Sally did not make it; she became ill.
April 3, 2014 Terrie Linn Kygar: Show and Touch, Melt-n-Blend Demonstration.
March 6, 2014 David Taylor: TBD
February 6, 2014 Nancy Ota: Japanese Textiles & Sashiko Trunk Show.
The trunk show will include sashiko wall hangings and garments using Japanese vintage cottons.
January 9, 2014 Member Trunk Show
October 3, 2013 Mindy Gonzales: Textile Care and Preservation.
September 5, 2013 Phyllis Binkley: Trunk Show, Needle Felting, 3D Embellishments.
August 8, 2013.
Please note the change in date.
Christal Carter: Wool for Today's Quilter.
An inspiring talk which includes concrete examples of ways to become more creative in quilting and designing.
July 11, 2013.
Please note the change in date.
Ann Turley: Confessions of the Quilt Police.
This program gently takes you through a mock judged show, with plenty of time to ask questions that will really help you to understand what occurs on the judging floor.

Meetings in 2012/2013

Meeting Date Speaker/Program Information
May 2, 2013 Shelley Swanland: Cathedral Windows and More Trunk Show.
The Trunk Show is a collection of approxmately forty quilts from the last eight years.
April 4, 2013 Cathy Van Bruggen: No Time To Sew.
Do you want to sew but just can't find the time? This program is an informative and humorous presentation designed to give members tips on how to use precious time to sew.
March 7, 2013 Martie Winkleman: Trunk Show.
February 7, 2013 Sue Rasmussen: A Desperate Housewife's Quilt Journey.
This takes you through her development as a quilt maker in the two main quilt styles that Sue loves and is known for: Intricate Pieced Quilts and Machine Pieced Landscape--Pictorial Quilts.
January 3, 2013 Mary Tabar: Art Quilt vs. Working Quilt.
Slide show, discussing different types of quilts, and why we make them.
November 1, 2012 Terry Waldron: You Are, Too, An Artist!
In this combination talk and trunk show, the audience will be teased into remembering that once they were ALL artists... a long time ago when they were young!
October 4, 2012 Ardie Skjod: Trunk Show by Ardie.
September 6, 2012 25th Anniversary: Members Trunk Show
August 2, 2012 Karen Cunagin: All My Best Ideas.
These 10 great tips (and many more), will change your quilting practice.

Meetings in 2011/2012

Meeting Date Speaker/Program Information
May 3, 2012 Wendy Matheson: What Is Wrong With the Color Orange?
April 5, 2012 Jane Tenorio-Coscareli: Quilt a Beast.
This is a humorous look at the fabric beast in all quilters. From seasonal prints to classic calicos, you may discover that buying fabric is okay after all. And who ever said you have to cut it up?
March 4, 2012 Maggie Ball: Bits and Pieces Quilt Show.
A lecture with quilt show, reviewing Maggie's years as a quilter including her experiences teaching kids to quilt and voluntary work in Mongolia - inspirations, grown, and evolution.
February 2, 2012 Helen Frost: Lots of Tricks for Better Quilts.
Add these techniques for precise cutting, easier matching, and efficient pressing to your bag of tricks. Learn the secrets behind flat borders and great bindings. Get terrific ideas for improving your quilts and enjoy some magic tricks, too!
January 5, 2012 Lily Marie Amaru: A Sewing Journey.
Travel through Lily Marie's personal sewing journey as well as encourage you to re-travel your own. Everyone will receive a fun gift as part of this fun presentation. Look forward to a truly out of trunk experience.
October 5, 2011 Martha Nordstrand: The Reason You Love Quilts.
The colors, the fabrics, the textures, the skills - the reason you love quilts.
September 1, 2011 Leora Raikin: Safari Through African Folklore Embroidery (and embellishment).
Leora's lecture includes samples, displays and interactive discussion on the Ndebele tribe and techniques used for completing an African Folklore Embroidery design.
August 4, 2011 Don Beld: Quilts for Union Soldiers.
Don is one of the nation's leading experts on Civil War soldiers' quilts and has reproduced all of the existing Sanitary Commission quilts. In addition, he will exhibit his series of quilts dedicated to commemorating the sacrifices of those who have died in the terrorist attacks in the United States and Europe. Sadly, Don passed away in September 2015.
July 7, 2011 Ann Turley: Why Am I Buying Broccoli When All I Want To Do Is Quilt?
Imagine this scenario if you will. You have decided to start a new project, so you head to the hardware store where you will purchase door stops, duct tape, and a roll of shelf liner. Next, you stop at the office supply center for some sticky dots and a red clipboard. Finally, before going home, you run into the market for toothpicks and broccoli. At this point, if I were you I would be wondering "What is she doing - building a house or making dinner?"

Meetings in 2010/2011

Meeting Date Speaker/Program Information
May 5, 2011 Grace Errea: Quilters Magical Journey.
April 7, 2011 Lisa Coulombe: Everyday Wearable Art and Beyond.
Lisa presents a fast-paced fashion show of over 40 of her jackets and coats in this trunk show of her work in the field of wearable art.
March 3, 2011 Quilts of Love Construction.
Guild members have an opportunity to support this philanthropic program of the Fallbrook Quilt Guild. Plan to bring your sewing machine, basic sewing supplies and willing hands to construct some quilts.
February 3, 2011 Julia Zgliniec: What It Is and What It Isn't.
She is a founding member and former president of Quilt Visions, and is a certified quilt appraiser. Julia will be presenting information about the appraisal process, and what you should be concerned about.
January 6, 2011 Cindy Needham: Thread Facts and Fiction.
November 4, 2010 Guild Member Trunk Show.
A few of the Fallbrook Guild members will share their quilts. This will be a very special program featuring the talents of our own quilters!
October 7, 2010 Quilt University.
Guild members will demonstrate their special expertise at this meeting. Be sure to come to learn some new tips and techniques that will enhance your piecing and quilting.
September 2, 2010 David Taylor: The Reluctant Journey of an Art Quilter.
This humorous 50 to 60 minute retells David's recent abrupt introduction into the quilting world. He has only been quilting since 1999.
August 5, 2010 Sharon Schamber: to be announced.
July 1, 2010 Quilts of Love Sew In.
We will be making quilts of love during the normal meeting time. Be sure to bring your sewing machine, rotary cutter, cutting mat, thread, scissors, pins and normal sewing supplies.

Meetings in 2009/2010

Meeting Date Speaker/Program Information
May 6, 2010 Joyce Becker: Landscape Quilts with Joyce Becker.
Where do the ideas come from and once you have an idea, what next? Joyce shares inspirations, ideas and processes for creating landscape quilts.
March 4, 2010 Carol Doak: One Quilter's Journey.
This popular lecture features some of the over 150 quilts Carol has made in the last 20 years. Her experiences, both learning and lighthearted, are shared.
February 4, 2010 Norah McMeeking: Bella Bella Patchwork.
This slide lecture and trunk show examines the multifaceted designs of the fabulous marble floors of Italy.
January 7, 2010 Lenore Crawford: Fusing, Fabric Painting, and Stitching to Create Your Own Work-of-Art Quilt.
Lenore talks about her own interpretation of fusing and fabric painting techniques she now uses to create art quilts with depth and color from photographs she has taken in her travels.